Hibiscus Mint Tea

REFRESHING is the key word for this recipe. Are you familiar with the benefits of hibiscus tea? There’s plenty to talk about here. I’ll try to keep it short, but I advise you to research this wonderful gift from Nature for yourself. The significant antioxidant power of this flower is not to be overlooked. Within an hour of consumption, the antioxidant power of your bloodstream shoots up as the tea’s antioxidant phytonutrients are absorbed into your system.

Here are just some of the many benefits of hibiscus tea:

With all of these potential benefits, can there be too much of a good thing? Well, any food, be it a tea or an herb or a flower, that has some kind of pharmacological effect should be used with some caution. Dr. Greger also addresses this particular issue in this video. In particular, hibiscus tea can be toxic to the liver in extremely high doses. Toxicity was seen at such high doses, however, that it would probably be difficult to consume that much in tea form.

The most important caution with hibiscus though is for pregnant women. Pregnant women should never drink hibiscus tea or take hibiscus products, as it can cause “emmenagogue effects.” This means it can induce menstruation. If you are pregnant, be aware that hibiscus may be on a label under “rose of Sharon” or “althea.”

While this could potentially be helpful to women with irregular periods — although it has never been studied — it also means that pregnant women drinking hibiscus tea could experience premature labor. Generally it’s not known whether or not hibiscus tea is safe for nursing mothers who should also avoid drinking it until they discontinue nursing.

Check out Dr. Greger’s take on Hibiscus Tea HERE.

On to the yummy recipe…

The flavor of hibiscus is divine on its own and adding a bit of peppermint is delightful in the summer months for a tasty, refreshing drink. You can use whatever sweetener you prefer in this tea but I like to use xylitol as it has some health benefits and zero calories.

I hope you try this delicious beverage and enjoy it as much as we do! It’s the perfect accompaniment to a whole food, plant-based diet.


  • ¼ cup loose, dried hibiscus flowers (I’ve tried MANY brands and the best one that I keep going back to is Starwest Botanicals. The petals are always very fresh and lend a bright red color to the tea)

  • 1 TBS loose, dried and crushed peppermint leaves

  • 2/3 cup xylitol or sweetener of your choice (optional)


  1. Place the hibiscus and peppermint in a pyrex or other heat proof container (I use a 2-cup measuring cup)

  2. Add boiling water to fill to about one cup.

  3. Steep 10 minutes.

  4. While the tea steeps, dissolve the xylitol or your sweetener of choice in hot water and add it to whatever vessel you will use to store your tea.

  5. Strain and add your steeped tea to the dissolved sweetener and fill with cool water to make 2 liters.

  6. Add love! 💗

  7. Refrigerate.

Makes 2 liters. Enjoy!




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