Rocky Road Ice Cream

Rocky Road! Made plant-based and sweetened with dates??? YESSSSSS. This sweet treat is ultra creamy and rich. It’s a party for your tastebuds! I was never a huge fan of Rocky Road ice cream… until now. You will need an ice cream maker for this baby. I found a great one on Amazon. It’s so simple to use and it never fails me. It’s affordable too. So if you haven’t gotten one yet, well, now is the time! I never buy grocery store ice cream anymore. Even the plant based versions still have crap in them. So I decided to make my own and I’ll never go back.


~ for the base

  • 1 cup raw cashews

  • 1 heaping cup pitted medjool dates (check Trader Joe’s if you live near one—they have them at a good price.

  • 2½ cups water

  • 3 TBS cocoa powder

  • 1 tsp vanilla

~ add ins (get creative! I used the traditional…)


  1. Add the base ingredients to a high powered blender (I recommend Vitamix!) and blend until smooth.

  2. Chill in the fridge overnight.

  3. The next day, add the base to your ice cream tub and churn until thick (usually about 20 min).

  4. Add the rest of the goodies and let the machine run until they are incorporated (just a couple of minutes).

  5. Add love! 💗

  6. Place in containers. I LOVE THESE paper ice cream cups. But I’ve also used these colorful tubs which work great.

  7. Freeze for several hours or overnight.

  8. Devour.

Makes 2 pints. Enjoy!




Strawberry Shortcake


Hibiscus Mint Tea