Cream of Celery Soup


My dad, Eddie, was a huge fan of cream of celery soup. This recipe takes me down Memory Lane to the delicious times we spent together over creamy bowls of yummy celery soup. Minus the dairy! And you’d never know it. This is a very simple recipe but you will need a good blender to make it ultra creamy. I recommend VitaMix of course as they are absolutely the best. I don’t use any salt in this recipe. Celery has a lot of natural sodium on its own! This one’s for you, Dad. 💜


  • 2 cups organic diced celery/ about 8-10 ribs (see note)

  • 1 small diced onion 4 cups water (or low sodium veggie broth for a deeper flavor)

  • 1 cup cashews (or combination of cooked white potato and cashews if you want to cut down the fat content)

  • 2 dates, pitted

  • 2 TBS Spike salt-free seasoning (my go-to seasoning for many things!)

  • 1/4 tsp black pepper fresh parsley or celery leaves for garnish (optional)


  1. Place all ingredients, except cashews (and cooked potato if using) in a soup pot.

  2. Simmer on low until veggies are tender (about 20 min).

  3. Place cashews (and cooked potato if using) in a high powered blender and add just enough of the soup broth to cover the nuts. If you don't have a high powered blender, make sure to soak the cashews for a few hours prior.

  4. Blend until smooth.

  5. Add almost all of the soup contents into the blender (I like to leave about 1/2 cup unblended veggies for some chunkiness).

  6. Blend until smooth and transfer back to the pot. Careful! It will be HOT!

  7. Garnish with fresh parsley if you like.

  8. Add love 💗

NOTE: Please make sure you only use organic celery. Celery has one of the highest contents of residual pesticides of any other vegetable.

Makes about 6 cups. Enjoy!


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